occlude - definição. O que é occlude. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é occlude - definição

Occlusal; Occlusion (disambiguation); Occluded; Occlude

<programming> (Or "shadow") To make a variable inaccessible by declaring another with the same name within the scope of the first. (1995-12-14)
·vt To shut up; to Close.
II. Occlude ·vt To take in and retain; to Absorb;
- said especially with respect to gases; as iron, platinum, and palladium occlude large volumes of hydrogen.
¦ verb
1. stop, close up, or obstruct.
2. Chemistry (of a solid) absorb and retain (a gas or impurity).
3. (of a tooth) come into contact with another in the opposite jaw.
C16: from L. occludere 'shut up'.



Occlusion may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para occlude
1. because points cannot occlude each other.
Ayellet Tal _ Past Forward - When Computer Vision & Archaeology Meet _ Talks at Google
2. The other is your hand would occlude
3. and they will occlude your happiness
Beyond Happiness _ Sir Anthony Seldon _ Talks at Google
4. And this happens because points cannot occlude each other,
Ayellet Tal _ Past Forward - When Computer Vision & Archaeology Meet _ Talks at Google
5. But lots of things can kind of occlude the signal, star spots,
Five Billion Years of Solitude _ Lee Billings _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para occlude
1. Cornwall has lately been dividing into three parts, rather like Caesar‘s Gaul, as major new projects give definition to particular regions but occlude others in the process.